Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moonlight - Gradient and Opposites

Looking at the background of Think Geek one evening I noticed something really interesting with the background. First look at the top of the page then scroll to the bottom and you will see a different image based on where you were in the page. Initially I was confounded, then after studying the colors involved, I found the technique. The following is a very quick reproduction of it.

Basic ingredients
1) Two Colors for a Gradient (Black and White in this case)
2) Gradient from One to the other. If you reverse the gradient as seen below you will see the highest amount of contrast.
3) A massive amount of transparency prior to applying the gradient.

The triangular mountainside is black on a transparent background, as seen below in white.

The stars were the exact opposite.
Example of showing a close to full gradient from White to Black

Off-angle gradient for dramatic effect

Best Toddler Toy

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010