

Where I find them.

  • Addicting Games Traditionally Categorized
  • DIG-YOUR-OWN-GRAVE Only categorized by submit date, updated frequently
  • EYEMAZE many addicting games by a single author. Try the GROW series of games. Perfectionists may spend hours at these games.


Use Boxmen - Logical puzzle thriller

Jelly Blocks - Klotski with a twist. Connect all of the blocks together. 100 Levels.

Red-Remover - Balance, destruction and multiple directional gravity.

Totem Destroyer - Game of balance and destruction.

Strategy (Real-Time)

Desktop Tower Defense - Lots of modes, adjustable difficulty. Cult classic.

Phage Wars 2 - You win as your pathogens compete. The DNA upgrade system adds an interesting mechanic.

Boomshine - Colorful chain reactions.

Obechi - A simple game of planning, patience and color. Made by the folks responsible for Boomshine.

Biolabs - outbreak - Similar to Jezzball.

Strategy (Turn-Based)

Black Knight Insurrection - Solve puzzles involving the moves of the Knight in Chess.

Click and fly games

Flight of the Hamsters Go this distance.

Kitten Cannon - Simple interface. Realistic Sounds. Brings you back to that second-grade mentality.

Don't Shoot the Puppy - No Description Required.

Totally Unique

Upgrade Complete - The upgrade system is the most advanced part of the game. Yes you have to buy the preloader and the title screen

Continuity - A Jigsaw puzzle take on 2D "Find the Key(s) to unlock the door" platform games.