Saturday, April 17, 2010

Infinite Napkin

Names are a funny concept... As a student of computer science I can tell you that names are pointers or aliases, they give a handle to something else. Here are the names of my former websites:

  • The Black Hole In Cyberspace (originally published on Geocities made through handcrafted HTML) like most High School students I enjoyed taking a different direction than my peers who called their websites "Bob's World" or "Planet Janet"
  • The Unbeaten Path: A personal page I cooked up in college
  • Davescape: a view of my mind (someone else beat me to the punch with that name...)
So, all this leads to now over 14 years since my first page...

Napkin - the most casual way of presenting a design or sketch is off the back of a napkin. That little scrap of paper that can yield so much information.

This napkin is broad enough to be infinite thanks to the web.

So welcome to the Infinite Napkin :)

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